(Le texte français se trouve sous le texte anglais) Tuesday, February 20 6:30 - 8:30 pm EST Virtual event You may view the program, starting at 6:30 pm E.T., by accessing the following webcast link (please copy and paste the entire link on your web browser to open it): https://lso.freestonelms.com/viewer/eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJjaGFwdGVySUQiOjQ2NzgyM30.YL4rgKskCOxzKAXK9wig6MyZtX-oBSgNEni8Pl5QLzU Alternatively, please fill out this form to register and receive the webcast link via email. The Law Society of Ontario makes reasonable accommodations to enable persons with disabilities to attend and participate in its programs, including providing auxiliary aids and services upon request and removing architectural and communication barriers that are structural in nature where readily achievable. To request any other auxiliary aids or services or if you have any questions regarding accessibility, please contact equityevents@lso.ca. In order for the Law Society to be able to make the necessary arrangements for accommodation, we require that you provide your request for accommodation at least a week (7 days) prior to the program date. ----------------------------------- Mardi 20 février de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30 Évènement virtuel Cet évènement public est gratuit. Pour avoir d’autres renseignements et recevoir le lien à la webémission, veuillez remplir ce formulaire. Remarque : ce programme se déroulera en anglais.